Nollywood actress Toyin Adegbola, widely known as Toyin Tomato, has called on women to avoid divorce, stating that true equality does not exist in marriage.

Speaking during an Instagram live session on Monday, Toyin Tomato urged women to remain with their husbands, even if they are unfaithful, but advised them to take necessary precautions against sexually transmitted diseases. She stressed that women who leave their marriages often face challenges, especially when significant events involving their children arise.

“No matter how difficult your husband is, don’t think of chasing him out or leaving his house, because eventually, you might have to beg when your children have important events. You have invested so much in your marriage, and if you leave, finding another husband might be impossible. Stay and encourage him to protect himself,” she advised.

The actress shared an example of a friend who buys condoms for her husband whenever he visits Nigeria, acknowledging that men are likely to engage in extramarital affairs. “Would a husband buy condoms for his wife if she were the one traveling? We don’t have equal rights, and I will always stand by this,” she added.

Toyin Tomato concluded by urging men to treat their wives with understanding, saying, “Men, see us as your cross and your first child. We, too, see you as our first child. Despite how intelligent men may be, they can be foolish at times. Whatever we want you to see is what you will see.”