A heart-wrenching incident unfolded in a quiet community in Ogun State when a young boy named Samuel tragically lost his life after being electrocuted while attempting to charge his phone. The 19-year-old boy was rushed to the hospital, but despite efforts, doctors confirmed he had passed away.

The boy’s father, who received the devastating news while at work, rushed to the hospital, overwhelmed with grief. In his sorrow, he initially resolved to bury his son in their compound, digging a grave himself. However, concerned neighbors convinced him otherwise, offering their support and suggesting a more appropriate burial location.

Among the neighbors was Mr. Ogidan, a well-known herbalist in the community, who volunteered to help with the burial arrangements. Trusting the herbalist’s intentions, Samuel’s father agreed to let Mr. Ogidan take his son’s body for burial in another location. However, instead of honoring his promise, Mr. Ogidan reportedly took the boy’s body to a nearby forest, where he allegedly mutilated the corpse, cutting off both of Samuel’s hands.

Local vigilantes and the police swiftly responded to the situation after the community raised an alarm. Mr. Ogidan was arrested and is currently in police custody, facing serious charges. The authorities have vowed to conduct a thorough investigation to ensure justice is served.