In a tragic incident that occurred today in Sango, Ogun State, a young woman lost her life after consuming a potent herbal mixture given to her by a man reportedly intending to enhance their sexual encounter.

According to local sources, the young man had obtained a locally-prepared herbal concoction, believed to have aphrodisiac properties, in an attempt to boost his performance.

The concoction, described as extremely powerful, was administered to the woman before their intimate interaction.

Eyewitnesses reported that shortly after consuming the mixture, the woman began exhibiting signs of severe discomfort and distress. Despite attempts by neighbors to provide assistance, her condition rapidly deteriorated, resulting in her untimely death.

Local authorities have since launched an investigation into the incident. The man involved has been apprehended by the police for questioning and could face charges related to the woman’s death.

The police are also looking into the source of the herbal mixture, as concerns grow over the potential dangers associated with unregulated traditional remedies.

Community leaders and health experts have issued warnings about the risks of using unverified herbal solutions, stressing the importance of seeking professional medical advice instead of relying on unknown substances.

Further details about the investigation are expected as authorities continue to gather more information regarding the tragic incident.