The Joint Action Committee (JAC), which includes the Non-Academic Staff Union (NASU) and the Senior Staff Association of Nigerian Universities (SSANU), is preparing to take action after failed talks with the Federal Government regarding unpaid salaries and other unresolved issues.

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A circular, signed by NASU General Secretary Peters Adeyemi and SSANU President Mohammed Ibrahim, explained that JAC met to discuss the ongoing crisis involving non-payment of four months’ salaries and other concerns affecting their members in universities and inter-university centers.

The unions have been in discussions with government officials, including the ministers of Education and Labour and Employment. However, they expressed frustration over the lack of a solid commitment from the government to address their issues. As a result, the unions have instructed their branches to hold general meetings on July 8 to discuss the government’s perceived lack of concern and plan further protests.

The planned actions include a nationwide one-day protest on July 9 to highlight their struggles. This will be followed by a national protest in Abuja on July 18, after which JAC will finalize plans for an indefinite strike. The circular states: “The national body of JAC of NASU and SSANU met on Thursday, July 4, 2024, to review the situation regarding the unpaid four months’ salaries and other grievances of our members in university and inter-university centers.

“The national JAC also met with the Minister of Education, the Minister of State for Education, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education, and other top officials of the ministry, as well as the National Universities Commission. “Unfortunately, the meeting with the Minister of Education did not show any strong commitment to pay the withheld salaries or resolve the other pending grievances of JAC of the two unions.

“It is also disappointing that when JAC visited the Federal Ministry of Labour and Employment, the Minister of State was unavailable, and the Permanent Secretary, who stood in for her, could not make any commitment to the issues raised.

“Due to this disappointment and the government’s failure to address NASU and SSANU’s grievances, JAC has decided on a series of industrial actions which include the following: “All branches of NASU and SSANU should hold a general meeting on Monday, July 8, 2024, to inform members about the government’s insensitivity to our plights.

“A one-day protest should be held on Tuesday, July 9, 2024, at each branch simultaneously. Every branch should ensure all members fully participate in the protest, and the media should be adequately mobilized. A national protest will be held in Abuja on Thursday, July 18, 2024, after which JAC will meet to announce the date for the strike to commence.”