When it comes to deciding which meal you should never miss, most experts agree that breakfast is the key contender. Why? It’s simple: after a long night of fasting, your body is ready for fuel to jumpstart the day. Breakfast provides the necessary energy and nutrients to boost metabolism, enhance concentration, and improve productivity. Think of it as the power button for your body and brain—press it, and you’re ready to go!

On the flip side, lunch plays a crucial role. It’s the midday refuel that keeps you energized and focused for the second half of the day. Skipping lunch can lead to irritability, fatigue, and overeating later in the day. After all, nobody likes the feeling of crashing mid-afternoon, right?

And then we have dinner—often seen as the most social and comforting meal. While it’s important, some argue it’s not as critical as breakfast or lunch in terms of energy and metabolism. Missing dinner occasionally might not throw your day off too much, especially if you’ve had a balanced breakfast and lunch.

In the grand scheme of things, consistency matters. Skipping meals regularly can lead to nutrient deficiencies, poor energy levels, and even weight gain as your body starts to store fat instead of burning it efficiently.

So, which meal should you never skip? The answer is all of them if you want to stay healthy, energetic, and happy throughout the day. But if you have to miss one? Dinner might be the least essential since you’re winding down for the day.

Now, here’s the real question: If breakfast is the most important meal, why do we spend half our mornings rushing past it like it’s an optional snack?