In a groundbreaking event organized by the House of Representatives, prominent figures including Speaker Abbas Tajudeen, Etsu Nupe Yahaya Abubakar, and NBA President Yakubu Maikyau (SAN) have joined forces to advocate for the constitutional empowerment of traditional rulers.

Recognizing their pivotal role in addressing the nation’s security challenges, these influential speakers assert that granting traditional rulers a constitutional role is essential.

Expressing regret over the removal of the constitutional role of traditional rulers in the 1999 constitution, the royal father emphasizes the need to reinstate this crucial provision.

He highlights that traditional rulers possess intimate knowledge of their environments and subjects, making them best suited to tackle the prevailing insecurity issues plaguing the country.

The Etsu Nupe, also the chairman of the Niger state council of traditional rulers, asserts that the colonial masters collaborated with the well-established traditional institutions upon their arrival in Nigeria. Drawing from this historical context, he emphasizes the invaluable contributions that traditional rulers can make towards achieving security objectives.

The NBA President further emphasizes the importance of adequate funding for the traditional institution. He argues that without proper financial support, traditional rulers would be unable to effectively carry out their duties, even if granted a constitutional role.

The outdated legislative framework, according to the NBA President, hampers the performance of traditional institutions and limits their ability to address contemporary security challenges.

Highlighting the invaluable knowledge possessed by traditional rulers about their communities, Maikyau asserts that granting them a constitutional role is crucial for effectively identifying strangers and criminals among the populace. He likens traditional rulers to security personnel who remain dedicated to safeguarding their domains under any circumstances.

Speaker Abbas Tajudeen underlines the significance of the Legislative Open Week as a platform for reflection and deliberation on matters of local government autonomy and the constitutional role of traditional rulers.

He emphasizes that the views expressed by stakeholders will inform the House’s actions in redeeming the country and restoring its heritage.

In recognition of the importance of traditional rulers, the House has established two special committees dedicated to the issues of State and Local Government, as well as the Traditional Institution. The House firmly believes that traditional rulers can greatly contribute to addressing the nation’s challenges and nurturing a better society.