Pascal Okechukwu, a renowned figure in both the realms of business and social circles, enjoys wide recognition under the moniker Cubana Chief Priest. Recently, he opened up about a significant decision he made due to the escalating security challenges gripping the Southeastern region of Nigeria. This decision, he revealed in an extensive conversation with BBC Igbo, was to relocate his business operations from the Southeast to Lagos State.

During the interview, Okechukwu didn’t shy away from expressing his profound concern over the worsening security situation in the Southeast. He elaborated on the various factors contributing to his decision, citing the pervasive fear of kidnapping and violent incidents that have instilled a sense of apprehension among both residents and potential customers. He lamented the stark transformation in the once vibrant social and economic landscape of the East, where regular visits from customers, especially during festive seasons, have dwindled significantly.

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In poignant words, he reflected on the prevailing socioeconomic challenges, remarking, “There is widespread hunger in the South-East. It is our own community members who provide criminals with information.” This candid admission underscores the multifaceted impact of insecurity, not only on personal safety but also on the economic activities that sustain communities.

Further delving into the issue, Okechukwu shed light on the disturbing trend of targeting affluent individuals, which has led many to reconsider returning to their hometowns for traditional festivities and gatherings. This erosion of trust and sense of security among the wealthier segments of society has dealt a severe blow to the region’s economy and social fabric.

In response to these daunting challenges, Okechukwu made the strategic decision to relocate his business operations to Lagos. By doing so, he sought to ensure the continuity of his entrepreneurial endeavors in an environment perceived to be safer and more conducive to business activities. This move not only reflects the resilience and adaptability of entrepreneurs in the face of adversity but also underscores the urgent need for concerted efforts to address the underlying security issues plaguing the Southeast.