Nigerian skitmaker and Actress Kiekie has voiced criticism towards Nollywood actress and ‘Jenifa’s Diary’ star Juliana Olayode regarding her recent birthday post. Olayode, in her birthday celebration photos, expressed gratitude to God for her 10,585 days of life on earth. In her heartfelt message, Olayode shared her profound appreciation for God’s love, expressing how deeply moved she is by its magnificence.
She emphasized that her journey couldn’t have been possible without God’s support throughout the years, expressing gratitude for His unwavering presence and blessings.
She wrote “Grateful for 10,585 days around the sun, Olayode celebrates 10,585 days of life “Grateful for 10,585 days around the sun.
“I’m truly overwhelmed by Your love for me. Completely blown away by Your heart for me. Only You could have carried me through these years. I am eternally grateful and owe You everything. I owe You my life.
Thank you, Jesus! It’s my birthday, everyone.”
In her comment section, Kiekie questioned if Juliana expected her followers to calculate precisely 10,585 days. She wrote, “So we should be doing maths?? O tida! Happy birthday sugar”.