American business mogul and fashion enthusiast Kylie Jenner, famous from the reality TV series “Keeping Up with the Kardashians,” was seen in tears on this week’s episode of “The Kardashians,” reacting to negative and hurtful comments about her appearance.

Kylie revealed that she has been receiving critical comments about her looks since she was young. “It’s a miracle that I still have confidence and I can still look in the mirror and think that I am pretty. I went on a journey last year dissolving half my lip filler. Why do people think it’s OK to talk about me? I’ve never cried about this before, but I guess it does affect me.”

She shared that enduring nasty remarks about herself for over a decade has taken its toll. “I hear nasty things about myself all the time. After 10-plus years of hearing about it, it just gets exhausting,” she said.

Reflecting on some of the harsh comments she’s encountered online, she noted how people claimed she had “f–ked up her face.” The 26-year-old continued, “Even if I did get so much surgery, I still don’t think it’s OK to talk about someone’s looks.”