Ogun State Governor, Dapo Abiodun, recently reflected on the journey that led to his emergence as governor, revealing that his predecessor actively opposed his candidacy. Though he refrained from naming the individual directly, Abiodun alluded to the previous governor’s decision to support a candidate from a different party rather than backing him.

During his 64th Birthday and 5th Year Thanksgiving Service held at the Ogun State Government House Chapel, Oke-Igbein, Abeokuta, on Sunday, Governor Abiodun recounted the challenges he faced. He described the path to his current position as highly unusual and fraught with difficulties, attributing his ultimate success to his unwavering faith in God.

“The process through which I emerged as Governor was a very unusual one; one in which my predecessor who was in the same party with me was fighting me and campaigning for another person in another party. I would sit down and ask myself, ‘Baba God, this is very unusual, why do I have to go through so much to assume this office?’ And then I would answer myself that it is because God wants to take that glory,” he shared with the audience, highlighting the spiritual journey that has underpinned his political career.

Reflecting on his five years in office, Abiodun described the experience as one of the most enriching and challenging periods of his life. “The last five years of governance over the state of Ogun for me has been one of the most beautiful experiences of my life. It’s been extremely turbulent, it’s been very challenging, particularly, it has been rancorous. But the most important thing is that in all of this, God has given us victory,” he noted.

Despite the initial obstacles, Governor Abiodun emphasized the significant progress his administration has made, particularly in reshaping the state’s economy. One of the landmark achievements he highlighted is the forthcoming oil exploration in Ogun State, which is poised to elevate the state’s economic profile significantly. “

Only on Friday, the leadership of the Ministry of Petroleum, led by the Minister of State for Petroleum Resources (Oil), Senator Heineken Lokpobiri, was here with three others and the chairman of Shell to announce that they would soon begin to drill oil in Ogun State,” Abiodun announced, underscoring the transformative potential of this development.

Governor Abiodun also took the opportunity to address criticisms from Ladi Adebutu, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) governorship candidate in the last general election, regarding the 8-kilometer Sagamu-Iperu road project. Adebutu had dismissed the project as insignificant. In response,

Abiodun asserted that his administration’s focus is on the overall positive trajectory of Ogun State, rather than on rebutting every critical remark. “I read on one of the papers that someone was saying that he was embarrassed that I was commissioning an 8-kilometer road, and a counterpart of mine was commissioning a 77-kilometer road,” he recounted, expressing his decision to rise above such disparagements.

He further highlighted the irony in Adebutu’s criticisms by pointing out the dilapidated state of the road running through the Adebutu family’s residence, despite their considerable wealth. “Despite the stupendous wealth of the Adebutu family, the road that runs through their house was in a deplorable state for a long time and the family could not deploy a fraction of their wealth to repair it,” Abiodun observed, questioning the sincerity of the criticism.

Governor Abiodun reiterated his administration’s commitment to improving the infrastructure and overall well-being of Ogun State’s residents. He pledged to continue embarking on projects that would enhance the quality of life for the people. “My administration will continue to make life comfortable for the people of the state by embarking on the provision of more infrastructure that would, in turn, improve their well-being,” he promised.

This gathering not only marked a milestone in Governor Abiodun’s personal life but also served as a moment of reflection on his administration’s achievements and the ongoing challenges. His reflections underscored a narrative of resilience, faith, and a steadfast commitment to public service, painting a vivid picture of his journey and aspirations for Ogun State.