The Abuja Electricity Distribution Company (AEDC) has issued a stern warning to its customers regarding the timely payment of their outstanding electricity bills. The company announced that customers who fail to settle their debts by June 3, 2024, risk being disconnected from the power supply. This ultimatum, aimed at ensuring compliance and maintaining operational efficiency, was detailed in a statement released on Friday.

Victor Ojelabi, the Acting Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of AEDC, signed the statement. He made it clear that the company would take decisive action against defaulters to ensure that the service delivery is not hampered by unpaid bills. “The Abuja Electricity Distribution Company (AEDC) is notifying all customers with outstanding bills to settle their accounts immediately to avoid service disruption,” the statement read. “Customers who are yet to settle their outstanding bills within the next 72 hours, by Monday, June 3, 2024, will face disconnection of their electricity supply.”

This move emphasizes AEDC’s commitment to improving its service delivery and infrastructure. The company indicated that payment of electricity bills is vital for the continued operation and enhancement of its facilities. “The timely payment of electricity bills remains crucial for the continued operation and enhancement of AEDC’s infrastructure, which is essential for delivering uninterrupted service to the community,” Ojelabi noted.


He highlighted that the financial health of the utility firm is directly linked to its ability to provide reliable electricity. Unpaid bills can severely impede AEDC’s capacity to maintain and upgrade its infrastructure, which in turn affects the overall quality of service provided to customers. Therefore, the company sees this enforcement action as necessary to ensure that all customers contribute their fair share towards the operational costs and improvements needed to maintain a stable power supply.

Moreover, AEDC’s strict stance is also a reflection of the broader challenges facing the electricity distribution sector in Nigeria. The sector has been grappling with issues such as aging infrastructure, inadequate funding, and operational inefficiencies. By enforcing the timely payment of bills, AEDC aims to mitigate some of these challenges and ensure a more reliable power supply to its customers.

The company’s warning comes at a time when there is heightened scrutiny on the performance of electricity distribution companies across Nigeria. Customers have often complained about inconsistent power supply and high bills, leading to a contentious relationship between the service providers and consumers. AEDC’s latest move is seen as an effort to enforce discipline among consumers while also ensuring that the company can continue to invest in its infrastructure.

The notice to customers included a clear deadline: “All outstanding bills must be paid within 72 hours of this notice, by Monday, June 3, 2024.” This direct approach is intended to leave no ambiguity about the consequences of non-compliance. For customers, the message is clear – failure to settle outstanding bills will result in disconnection, which could disrupt households and businesses alike.

In response to this announcement, customers are urged to take immediate action to settle their debts to avoid inconvenience. AEDC has provided various payment channels to make the process easier for consumers. These include online payment options, bank transfers, and physical payment points. Customers are advised to use these avenues promptly to ensure their accounts are in good standing.

For AEDC, this strict enforcement is not just about revenue collection; it’s also about creating a culture of accountability and responsibility among its customer base. By ensuring that bills are paid on time, the company can plan better, allocate resources more efficiently, and ultimately provide a more reliable service to all.

As the deadline approaches, it is expected that there will be a rush of customers seeking to settle their bills to avoid disconnection. AEDC’s clear communication and firm stance on this issue are designed to encourage prompt payment and discourage future defaults.

In conclusion, AEDC’s ultimatum to customers to clear their outstanding bills by June 3, 2024, is a crucial step towards improving the reliability and efficiency of electricity supply in Abuja and its environs. It is a reminder of the importance of timely bill payments in ensuring the continued operation and enhancement of the electricity distribution infrastructure. Customers are encouraged to act swiftly to comply with this directive, ensuring uninterrupted access to electricity and supporting AEDC’s efforts to provide better service.