The economic downturn in Nigeria caused financial difficulties for Nigerian international students in the UK, particularly at Teesside University. Manager Debbie Fixter mentioned that 75% of clients at Thornaby’s Sprouts Community Food Charity were impacted students, leading to increased demand for assistance. The university stated it was offering help, and international applicants are required to show proof of financial support for their visa applications.

SCFC arranges various activities and provides free or low-cost food, clothing, and household items.

In recent months, the charity observed a significant shift in its clientele, with the majority now being Nigerian master’s degree students from Teesside University.

Nigeria is facing its most severe economic crisis in decades, marked by the naira losing over 200% of its value against the dollar in the last year.

Due to this situation, students at UK universities have experienced a depletion of their savings and a sudden, significant reduction in their budgets, making it challenging for them to cover living expenses.

As a result, some students have been instructed to depart the UK after facing difficulties in meeting their tuition fee deadlines, as highlighted by the BBC recently.

However, a spokesperson from Vanguard mentioned that Teesside University is still enrolling students from Nigeria.

Ms. Fixter mentioned that her charity is currently operating at full capacity due to the circumstances and urged Teesside University to increase their support.

She acknowledged the university’s proactive approach in offering a generous £500 donation in Sainsbury’s vouchers upon learning of the situation. However, she described it as only a small contribution compared to what is required to assist the growing number of students relying on the charity.

The university stated that it collaborates closely with community groups to guide students to its own support services and has provided vouchers and aid to ensure these organizations can continue to assist students in need.